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This ought to get your goat

April 1st, 2009 · 12 Comments

This ground-breaking (literally) story in the Courier about Gregor Robertson’s latest wacky green plan ought to spark a lot of outrage. And, as we like to say in our household, happy poisson d’avril

Categories: Uncategorized

  • Chris

    They should do this anyway!

  • Forthingham

    that goat is his evil twin brother. i smell nepotism!

  • sv

    The real question is they post the postition and interview the best qualified candidate. Or is this just another political appointment? Further, where does the goat stand on the city’s response to this winter’s snow? And finally, when will said goat reveal who donated to his or her campaign?
    Thousands of Vancouverites want to know!

  • Patricia

    I object to using a goat for this purpose. A year from now we will have untold numbers of unemployed Olympic mascots roaming our streets. This would make ideal employment for them.

  • rf

    Has anyone asked the goat if it is willing to cross a picket line?

  • david m.

    i didn’t figure it out until after i’d finished the article. i was like “man, gregor’s great, but has he lost his mind?”. best courier prank ever!!

  • S

    This must be an April fools thing. I hope.

  • MB

    It’s guaranteed the goat will be silent on EcoDensity and Millennium.

  • glissando remmy

    It’s official. Gregor Von Crapp family singers will be touring our city until the next municipal Elections.
    All Council meetings will commence on the “Lonely Goat Herd” tune; music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hammerstein.

    One, two, three, all together now!

    High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Folks in a town that was quite remote heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    Lusty and clear from the goatherd’s throat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay
    O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay

    A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    Men on a road with a load to tote heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Men in the midst of a table d’hote heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
    What a duet for a girl and goatherd

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Ummm (ummm)…
    Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)
    Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee)
    Odl lay ee …
    … yodeling …

    One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hoo hoo
    She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hmm hmm
    What a duet for a girl and goatherd
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o …
    … yodeling …
    Soon the duet will become a trio
    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

    Odl lay ee, old lay ee
    Odl lay hee hee, odl lay ee
    Odl lay odl lay, odl lay odl lee, odl lay odl lee
    Odl lay odl lay odl lay


    We live in Vangoater and this keeps us busy.

    I will be talking tonight @ 6.30 PM on 1410 AM, Dave Brindle show. Topics include:

    1. Chicken in the city. But, do they really care?
    2. Goat milk. Why me mom?
    3. Come chew my lawn. Now or never.

    See ya all there!

  • LP

    The best laid (or egg’s for Andrea’s chickens) April’s Fools jokes are the ones with a chance of being possible.

    I’m not sure if it’s sad or funny that this story fits in that category.

  • Wagamuffin

    Well, she said, snorting derisively, isn’t that just typical of this mayor and this council.

    A return to the nanny (goat) state!

    (With apologies to just about everyone…)

  • Michael Geller

    I say congratulations to Mark Hasiuk…a good April Fools’ Day prank is one that is not mean or harmful, and has just enough credibility to make fools of us all.

    While I don’t need to comment on why some people could believe the current Mayor would keep a goat on the City Hall lawn, I have listed some other clever April Fools’ Day pranks on my blog Check them out!