We haven’t been able to see detailed marketing projections for the Paragon/Edgewater casino until now because the company has kept its own reports on this confidential. But the B.C. Lottery Corporation report commissioned to check out Paragon’s revenue projections, put in as part of their bid, is (sort of) available to the public. (And the corp kindly didn’t make me go through a full FOI request to get it, just excised some stuff according to FOI rules, which is as good as you can hope for from a government body these days.)
As I noted in my Globe story, it appears that Vancouver gamblers are already spending lots of money (I got this by looking at the 2009 projections which, as the report was being compiled in mid-2009 using the lottery corp’s own data, would be pretty close to what’s going on) in casinos around the Lower Mainland — almost three times as much as what Edgewater made last year.
But the report is filled with all kinds of interesting other details on how casino analysts calculate market share and market potential, along with their projections on what kind of cash could be pulled out of each “zone” in the Lower Mainland by 2014. I’m sure there are interesting bits and pieces I missed, so please do get out your magnifying glasses and let me know what you think I skipped over too fast.