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BulaBlog Beer Bash: Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m., Rogue Waterfront. Be there or be square

April 2nd, 2015 · 15 Comments

So Kirk and Jenables thought it was about time to get together and hash out all current issues in person, for those times when calling someone names from the privacy of your home laptop just isn’t enough.

Kidding, folks! In actual fact, the two get-togethers we’ve had so far have been remarkable for their civility and I would like to say, on a personal note, that it’s been wonderful to meet or get to know better people who have come out to these.

K and J decided the Rogue Waterfront would be perfect: on top of all major transit lines, as everyone argues about the transit plebiscite, and next to the site of the Icepick building, which has also been a topic of disagreement.

I have agreed to come along, at their request. (After all, the blog is you, not me.)

All are welcome, truly. The reservation is under BulaBlog.


Categories: Uncategorized

  • jenables

    Is there a mailbox there? I think I’d like to have a drink, then mail my ballot. If we get bored, we can always take the seabus!

  • Kirk

    I think it’s human nature that once you’re face to face and having a conversation with someone, you’ll gravitate toward a topic that you all agree on. So, although we do talk about things like the Translink vote, we’ll spend a lot of time talking about housing affordability, development, and civic engagement, etc.

  • Kirk

    On Thursday night, besides Translink, I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on how the demographics of the city are changing and what it will look like in 10 years. I think above all, this is the root of housing affordability, which in turn leads to sprawl and traffic congestion. It’s also changing civic engagement. Turnout may have increased in 2014, but the number of registered voters actually went down by 5000 people, during a time when population increased.

    I often think about how much money is in the city now. I joked with jenables and Frances when we were trying to pick a beer night location. At one point, the old Waldorf was considered, but I think the new Vancouver is about shiny and new, glam, parties, mixed cocktails, Lamborghinis, Range Rovers. The Rogue venue is a nod in that direction. The first Bulablog beer night was in the DTES.

    I walk my kids by this townhouse construction site everyday on the way to school. It’s near Main and Broadway, spitting distance to Dude Chilling park. This morning, I looked up the price. $1.7 M. This isn’t the future of Mount Pleasant — it’s the present.

  • jenables

    But it features drapes, window coverings, a microwave AND a smoke alarm! With AC, of course – so necessary in a Vancouver townhouse. Wouldn’t most people prefer to buy a French villa or mansion in L.A. for that kind of cash? Do you remember what was there before, Kirk?

  • Kirk

    I’ve probably been walking by there for over ten years, but I don’t remember. I remember when they brought in a digger and tore something down. But, I don’t remember what it was. Then it was a vacant lot for awhile, maybe more than a year. They started construction a year or so ago.

    There was an old house on the corner of the same block that got torn down and is now also becoming townhouses. When the development sign went up, someone spray painted something about losing hertitage on it.

  • peakie

    329 East 7th Avenue would have “old” pictures on or with Aerial or Streetview.
    I am trying to see what, on the north side of the street, would have “property with 2153 sq ft of living on 3 levels” It seems to be one of 5 units in “Essence”

    No pictures on site given, others show image, but a strata built in 2015? See the ‘lovely’ demographics of the 1.7million dollar area.

    Mrs Marie. H. Shandro, widow, used to live there, with McLean Motors and B.C. Pony Express along side at 319. All gone tor apartments.

  • jenables

    The address is

    601 W Cordova St, Vancouver (in waterfront station)

    For those of you who don’t have chronic Google syndrome, like I do

  • jenables

    I’m kind of blown away by the lack of pics. It’s not like it is being sold as a development lot!

  • Silly Season

    Kirk, here’s an article on the housing ‘tribes’ that make up Metro Van. Via Twitter
    Jeff Nagel @jeffnagel
    Apr 7
    Mapping the Lower Mainland’s cultural tribes: … Firm has a profile for every neighbourhood.

  • Lysenko’s Nemesis

    It’s Essence, as peakie says.

    No pics because it’s probably not yet finished.

    They sold some units at around $500 sq’.
    The penthouse at $1.7 is over $800 sq’.
    Seems way too high.

  • peakie

    A picture, suggested to me, of “ye olden dayes” (1958) shows a large motor yard on the west end of that block. Small houses and one small walk-up apartment block of maybe 4 to 6 suites.
    Slowly click to enlarge, or draw the resolution and pan buttons on the menu at bottom of image, resolution changes when you wait, so that you can fine details from the airphoto.

    Find Mount Pleasant Elementary at the bottom of the photo on its large lot, and there you have Broadway (9th Avenue) and Kingsway, and then scope up (north) past (9th) to 8th, then 7th and Guelph Park on the right.
    Compare with and their (Birds’ Eye view, Oblique/diagonal) images of recent times. (A google earth link is provided on site, but Bing Maps obliques are often better).

  • Jeff Leigh

    Thanks for organizing, Kirk and Jen. Good to catch up. Also great to see you again Frances.

  • jenables

    Good to see everyone!

  • Kirk

    I was hoping we’d get more new people to come out. But, it was great to see some of the “regulars”.

  • Tiktaalik

    Sorry I couldn’t make it!