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An idea for an art gallery plaza grows in Brooklyn

March 21st, 2013 · 8 Comments

Frank Ducote spotted this on a recent Brooklyn trip — a plaza so very much like our art gallery — and asked me to use my vast technical skills to post the picture. Oh Lord, here goes.


He also wishes to say: A few years ago the Brooklyn Museum undertook a major renovation, including a new NORTH-FACING entrance onto Eastern Parkway. It eliminated the original daunting staircase there, for both accessibility purposes and to open op the former basement for public use. There are a lot of parallels and lessons that might apply to the VAG situation. Not necessarily literally, but in some form or fashion.


Categories: Uncategorized

  • Roger Kemble

    What the hell does Brooklyn have to offer Vancouver. This is horrible!

    No pause or precinct no defining the space as entrance, just another gray concrete monstrosity that does nothing for Georgia Street of VAG.

    Stop meddling out of your depth Frank!

    Who came up with this mindless gag?

  • Frank Ducote

    Thanqz for the predictable rant and bullying bluster, RK. Keep it up. I actually enjoy visualizing your veins popping.

  • jolson

    Thanks Frank and Frances for the illustration of a successful renovation.

  • Roger Kemble

    Still a really horrible concept . . .

  • Bill Lee

    A classical shaped building (O the crimes of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580)) build in 1895 in the semi-rural Brooklyn.
    [ Unfortunately they didn’t call it the Brooklyn Art Museum, so the promotional acronym BAM has been taken by the Brooklyn Academy of Music ]
    But the recent refurbishing was to make it more welcoming and they claim stats that some people visit but fewer than in the “first clean” days.
    Long history in Wiki but not much on the building’s troubles.

  • jolson

    Dear Bill Lee #5
    If you are going to do cut and paste research then try and get it right. The renovation of the Brooklyn Museum has nothing to do with falling attendance but rather with the choice of exhibitions……… per the Wiki entry.

  • S. Morris Rose

    Off-topic, but the collection of American art on the top floor of this museum is fantastic. Super-easy transit access, too. And admission is by optional contribution.

    Sorry I don’t have something hateful to say to the author or another poster. Maybe next time.

  • Roger Kemble

    S. Morris Rose # @7