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Vision cements its dominance with huge win that creates weak opposition of rookies

November 20th, 2011 · 101 Comments

In case you didn’t know the news from last night.

More of my thoughts to come in this blog post, but I have to run off briefly and wanted something up for the commenters to start on.


Categories: Uncategorized

  • ThinkOutsideABox

    No Tessa, what I think is you should google map street view all along the street from 1401 Comox and tell me where you see the “sea of towers” before putting forth any intellectually lazy comments.

    There are no limits to what a landlord of a STIR building can charge rent on despite staff recommending $2 per square foot when STIR was approved.

    The STIR building at 1142 Granville street will have 320 square foot units at a proposed rent of $3 per square foot – $960 rent a month to live in a shoe box in the middle of the Granville entertainment district strip. Livable, and within market range? Really?

    Apparently you think it’s fine for the foregone revenues from DCLs and CACs here to be picked up by the increased rents and general property tax revenues from everybody else to subsidize expensive market rental housing.

    Perhaps NIMBY is the wrong term. Maybe I should be asking if you are part of the 1%?