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Two fun maps of the election for politics geeks

November 21st, 2011 · 5 Comments










Categories: Uncategorized

  • ThinkOutsideABox

    Thanks for forwarding the maps Frances. Second one needs the link though.

  • Derp
  • Agustin

    Weird that W 10th Ave is shown as being north of Broadway…

  • Bill Lee

    Someone should make Chloropleths or Isormorphic distorted maps by population of voting age narrowed down to Census Tracts. Male, Female. Self declared Ethnicity, language at home etc.

    Income from Revenue Canada by FSA

    FSA (Forward Sortation Areas First 3 letters of postal code)

    Though like the shock of seeing the poor listed in Toronto’s Rosedale, some plutocrats have live-in help, or poorer people living in the basement suite.

    I expect that The Sun’s Chad Skelton is working on something, though the parties should have all this data at their fingertips.

  • Morry

    “The Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts, a residual fragment of Vancouver’s rejected freeway system, closed Feb. 5, 2010, for the first time in their 39-year history.”

    And no one cared! Close them forever and improve the east van neighbourhood! If the west side could REFUSE the use of the arbutus rail corridor for improved rail transit we in the east van can DEMAND the ELIMINATION and REJECTION of the concrete elevated eye-sores.

    Good-Bye Viaduct. Good Riddance!