Last week, Doug McCallum attacked the current city council for its development corporation’s lack of action in Cloverdale.
This week, he’s out with a hard-hitting news release saying that Barinder Rasode and Linda Hepner both voted in favour of closed police committee meetings. This is going to get testy — and interesting, as everything has been so placid in Surrey for years, with not too much critical media coverage of Mayor Dianne Watts or any of her team’s policies. His news release below. (I note that Jonathan Ross, who did some work with Vision Vancouver, is on board with McCallum’s campaign. Things continue to be weird in Surrey.)
Hepner and Rasode voted for closed Police Committee meetings for years
Newly stated stances on “open meetings” do not match up to voting records
Surrey, BC – In spite of electoral rhetoric calling for open meetings of the City of Surrey’s Police Committee (formerly known as the Public Safety Committee), the voting records of both Mayoral candidate Linda Hepner and Councillor Barinder Rasode tell a far different story.
Since November 24, 2008, which was the first committee meeting held after the 2008 civic election, there has not been one dissenting vote recorded against any motion (complete list below) to close the respective meeting off to the public. In an interview published on July 28, Rasode stated “I completely agree in having a dialogue now around having our police committee formatted the same way as other city committees where it’s not only open, but people from the community can come make delegations.”
It is very difficult to remain credible when both Councillors have consistently voted in favour of closed meetings since 2008, according to Surrey Mayoral candidate Doug McCallum.
“It is the height of hypocrisy to call for open dialog and publicly available information when you have voted to remain behind closed doors for the past six years,” says McCallum.
An open dialog about crime is necessary in the coming election, but that can only happen if honesty about records in public office is offered as part of the discussion.
Candidates must be willing to embrace their actions as a public office holder, adds McCallum.
“I have a strong record on crime, and I am willing to speak openly about the decisions and actions I took while serving as Mayor,” says McCallum. “I am hopeful that we can stay away from convenient revisionism when it doesn’t align with current political rhetoric. The public has a right to accurate information.”
Voting Records of Councillor Hepner and Councillor Rasode on Holding Closed Meetings (minutes for 2012 and 2013 are unavailable from the City of Surrey website)
- November 24, 2008 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Seconded by Councillor Helper (Rasode not sworn in yet)
- February 23, 2009 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- March 9, 2009 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- April 20, 2009 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- March 1, 2010 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- November 1, 2010 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Seconded by Linda Hepner, Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- January 24, 2011 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- April 28, 2011 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (Barinder Rasode absent, no dissenting votes recorded)
- May 17, 2011 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Seconded by Linda Hepner, Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- October 24, 2011 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Moved by Linda Hepner, Motion Carried (no dissenting votes recorded)
- January 20, 2014 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (Barinder Rasode as Chair, no dissenting votes recorded)
- March 17, 2014 – Motion to Hold a Meeting in a Closed Session
Motion Carried (Linda Hepner absent, no dissenting votes recorded)