In the battle for full disclosure of campaign contributions, Vision Vancouver has now posted how much Gregor Robertson got in financial contributions for his mayoral campaign. At $180,382.50, it’s about $20,000 more than the Non-Partisan Association’s Peter Ladner got for his race.
But if you break it down by how much they spent per voter, Robertson was more cost-efficient. He paid $13./23 per Vision Vancouver member (13,623 were eligible to vote) or $51.82 for each of the 3,495 votes he actually got. Ladner, on the other hand, paid $148.35 for each of the actual 1,066 votes he got in his race against Sam Sullivan or about $39.53 per eligible voter, assuming the NPA had about 4,000 members — something we don’t know for sure because they never told us.
I’m a little surprised to see that no developers gave to Gregor Robertson, after all the chatter from both the left and right about how Vision is in bed with developers. (Maybe they all gave to Raymond Louie, someone they feel a little more in tune with than Gregor.) Instead, his big donors seemed to be himself, Joel Solomon at Renewal Partners, and Bob Penner’s Strategic Communications, along with various new-agey type companies.
Ladner, on the other hand, did get some of the developer money: Westbank, Macdonald Developments, Concord and others.
Now if only we could see Sam Sullivan’s missing contributor list.