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One NPA candidate critical of mayoral campaign based on sophomoric gotcha attacks

November 20th, 2011 · 53 Comments

Many of us feel today as though we’ve stopped pounding our heads against the wall, with the cessation of crazy emails in our inboxes and hysterical ads on the radio containing increasingly bitter accusations from the NPA about Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver.

Sounds as though we weren’t the only ones feeling that way, to judge by this farewell-to-politics letter from NPA candidate Sean Bickerton. I wondered how he felt about the campaign, given what a civil person he was in the years I knew him. Now I know.

Categories: Uncategorized

  • Michelle

    Paul T #44
    Walk with caution inside Frances Bula blog. Jacks are everywhere! Vision ground soldiers just can’t take orders well… after victory 🙂

  • Paul T.

    Thanks Michelle, I’m a big boy, I can take the personal attacks. 🙂

    As for Sparti, I’m sure if you slide the camera bugle back and forth through time you can make the stats show anything. I’m looking at the last two elections, as my point has been about momentum. By definition that needs to tak a look at the last couple of results that show a change in direction.

  • spartikus

    I’m sure if you slide the camera bugle back and forth through time you can make the stats show anything.

    But the longer the time period you look at, the more trend is solid. Right?

    Climate vs. Weather.

    Anyway, that’s all I’ve got to say about that. If that’s your assessment, good luck to you.