This email went out yesterday from NPA hopeful Jamie Lee Hamilton, who had been hoping to run for one of the three remaining NPA park board spots on its slate. Hamilton, who once ran as a Coalition of Progressive Electors candidate, has been a vocal NPA supporter for the past three years. She had come out strongly in favour of Councillor Peter Ladner, as he challenged Mayor Sam Sullivan for the mayoral nomination. I spoke with an NPA board member yesterday, who was wistfully hoping that the party would be spared a flaming by Hamilton but it appears such will not be the case.
From: Jamie Lee Hamilton
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
ReplyTo: Jamie Lee Hamilton
Sent: Aug 30, 2008 16:04
Subject: Hamilton Denied Candidacy – Rally At Little Sisters
Hi Friends and Supporters
On Friday, August 29 at 5pm I was called by the NPA board and informed that they were denying me the opportunity to run as a candidate for municipal office this November 2008.
The reasons that I was turned down was based on my sex worker history and an old online advertisement from 2000 which appeared on a transsexual website called She-male Canada.
I honestly thought that we had overcome these types of issues 40 years ago when Pierre Trudeau stated the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation but apparently the NPA hasn’t accepted or adopted this thinking.
Jim Deva, co-owner of Little Sisters Bookstore who is a personal friend was outraged when he learned of this human rights violation as was I.
This issue goes to the very core of disrespect, intolerance, bigotry and injustice. For a party in 2008 to be displaying these types of human rights abuses is absolutely outrageous.
So please come out and voice your concern and displeasure over these disgusting attacks on visible minority communities.
So mark your calender for Tuesday, September 2 at 7 pm in the parking lot of Little Sisters for a rally against intolerance and bigotry. Bring your drums, whistles, rattles and wear your most colourful outfits.
Rain or Shine! Pass on to your contacts.
Confirmed speakers so far include:
1) Jim Deva of Little Sisters Bookstore
2) Sue Davis Leader of a Cooperative brothel for sex workers
3) Raigen D Angelo Transgender Activist
4) Mike Harding, past Executive Director of the Centre
Others will be added over the weekend including political leaders
Jamie Lee
“I believe you change the world One man at a time”
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