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In another part of the forest, the office meant to scrutinize municipal spending not doing so well

March 10th, 2015 · 4 Comments

I realize no one gives a poop about anything but the transit referendum these days (hey, you guys, the bike people have been going WILD in the city without your scrutiny) but here is a story in another area: the doings in the office of the Auditor General for Local Government.

My Globe story here on the dysfunction. The original report on the workplace review here: 20150309163505-3 The debate in the legislature here.


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  • Salvaich

    Which raises the question – who audits the auditors. Nobody, it seems.

    Poor political and professional governance.

  • A Taxpayer

    Great story and I think that the organization chart included in the workplace review document is very instructive as to what is wrong with governments.
    Of the 11 positions in the department, we have an AG and a Deputy AG (total comp >$300,000), a Director of Finance, a Communications Manager (and Co-op student as graphic designer), and two executive assistants for a total of 7 leaving four audit manager positions of which one is vacant and one is shared by two people. Top heavy?
    The report also mentions approximately 25 meetings took place in 16 business days. How can they be expected to deliver any reports when they are in that many meetings.

  • Salvaich

    A living embodiment of the Peter Principle

  • Salvaich

    The answer is of course a provincial auditor from another province.