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Goodbye to Mr. Vancouver: Chuck Davis

November 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments

Tom Hawthorn, who chronicles the transitions of those who have made B.C. the place it is, has a lovely story here about the life and passions of Chuck Davis. Chuck, one of the handful of people in Vancouver who have fought to tell its historical story in spite of this city’s tendency to amnesia, died on the weekend after having announced a couple of months ago that he was battling cancer.

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  • Gassy Jack’s Ghost

    Very sad indeed. Mr. Davis has left an exceptional legacy for the people of this city with his “History of Metropolitan Vancouver”, an invaluable and detailed online resource:

  • The Fourth Horseman

    I am sad that more people haven’t commented here. What a great man was Chuck!

    If you haven’t read The Vancouver Book, and especially if you love this city, you should.

    More importantly, the work on the The History of Metro Vancouver project goes on. That fine journalist and whippersnapper, Charles Campbell, has been tapped to complete Chuck’s work. To support that effort, more funding must be secured.

    Here is some more info on how you can contribute, via Michael Geller’s blog.