The last time Vancouver changed its council schedule was back in the 80s, when Gordon Campbell decided that evening council meetings were a blight, keeping everyone around until beyond midnight. He moved council meetings to 2 p.m. Tuesdays and introduced a new rule that only allowed speakers at committee meetings (held on Thursdays during the […]
Entries from July 2015
Adjust your clocks: Vancouver changes council meeting times
January 16th, 2012 · 16 Comments
Tags: City Hall Talk
Vision exec director bows out after two years
January 16th, 2012 · 17 Comments
This just out. Dear Friends- I’ve always believed that politics and public service is a worthy endeavour. It’s was this belief that lead me nearly 2 years ago to accept the job as the first Executive Director of Vision Vancouver. I must admit a few close friends questioned my sanity and why I would want […]
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Vancouver council 2012 theatre season about to open
January 11th, 2012 · 44 Comments
And the agendas are posted for the first meetings, with new and old players jostling to score a hit. – New NPA councillor George Affleck is going after water meters because: “Whereas … It would appear that the net result of universal metering is that all households will pay an extra $80 a year for […]
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Vancouver aims for unique solution to bikeshare + mandatory helmet conundrum
January 10th, 2012 · 127 Comments
The city that Vision Vancouver has tried to make as bike-friendly as possible has been trying to get a bike-share system here for two years (remember when there was talk of a trial during the Olympics, using Montreal’s Bixi’s on loan during the winter?) but still doesn’t have one. This is going to be the […]
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Parking-lot occupancies decline, gas stations disappear in Vancouver’s increasingly car-light downtown
January 8th, 2012 · 60 Comments
The numbers for 2011 just came in and it’s official: parking was down at both city and private lots downtown, while street parking (though still bring in more millions every year) didn’t keep growing quite as fast as expected. Some are cheering at the news; others are blaming Mayor Moonbeam and Vancouver’s anti-car policies. (Check […]
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Fabulous commenters gather at not-so-secret location and have fun
January 8th, 2012 · 17 Comments
Drinking beer while discussing floor-space ratio, density bonusing, affordable housing, and community-amenity contributions — what could be better. Thanks to Joe Just Joe and Michael Geller, frequent commenters here, a group of us met Friday night for an evening of just that. A delightful time was had by all, though we hovered on the brink […]
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Many ways to tackle homelessness, including tax returns
January 8th, 2012 · 5 Comments
One of the things I’m struck by every time I go out and talk to homeless people or those who have relationships with them is that, as much as affordable housing for that group is needed, sometimes it’s not the only route to solving a problem. Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore told me, during a […]
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2012 year of the incinerator in Vancouver, as Metro prepares to decide on new garbage disposal
January 4th, 2012 · 21 Comments
Last year, it was gas tax all year long. I predict this year it’s going to be all about the decision on which new-tech, high-tech, waste-to-energy system for garbage disposal Metro Vancouver decides on. Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore says the RFP is likely going to go out by the end of March, with a […]
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Abbott and Costello run 311
January 3rd, 2012 · 18 Comments
A funny story posted in response to a previous entry, but for those who missed it: a description from a well-meaning citizen about how interactions go with 311. BTW, dear 311 operators, I love you just fine and so do many others, including this poster, for the most part. Actual problem resolution. I’ve tried it […]
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2012: Out with some of the old, in with a few new things like … City Plumber
January 2nd, 2012 · 72 Comments
The tree is down, we’ve eaten shortbread for breakfast for the last time this season, and it’s time to tackle the new year. And it feels as though this one will be significantly different for all kinds of reasons for people in my world: – Vision has a solid second mandate and already appears to […]
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